My sincere, heartfelt condolences to everyone who knew Dr Gladys.
Meeting her was a highlight and honour for me, both personally and professionally. I was so in awe of Dr Gladys, I spent most of a conference running away from her when we continuously kept bumping into each other. It was obvious there was a recognition, a connection, so the universe had to literally have Dr Gladys fall down a couple of steps in front of me, for me to finally speak to her. as I picked her back up! On the last day, she found me and said that we must speak. I opened up about the types of patients I was seeing as a traditional Osteopath and as a Cayce scholar, as she nodded in complete understanding of my journey. I also took the opportunity to thank her for her contribution to my studies and vision, through her books and vast work.
Over the years, she would come into my mind and I would have a feeling I should be having better contact with her, despite living in two different continents. My plans before COVID struck was to visit Dr Gladys with a mutual contact who was writing a book. Instead, my last contact was when I emailed Dr Gladys with some concerns and clinical insights into COVID, which she generously replied would be added to the White Paper she was preparing.
She was so gracious, humble and respectful, embracing humanity as she found it.
She leaves the challenge and opportunity for others to live up to the same ideals, to be a channel of blessings for others, as she continues to do her great work as a shining beacon of light.
Yes, what a life well lived…and what an answer to a prayer in so many different ways, for many.
Deep gratitude, thank you, Dr Gladys xx