HeartMath Goes to South Africa

HeartMath Institute is sponsoring an international effort called The Global Coherence Initiative, with the goal to activate the heart of humanity and promote peace, harmony and a shift in global consciousness. Their hypothesis is that Earth’s magnetic field carries biological information that links all living systems.

Scientists already know that the frequencies of the brain, heart, and autonomic nervous system approximate the frequencies of Earth. Therefore, the Global Coherence Initiative (GCI) has begun a project of studying these relationships by analyzing data from its GCI’s global network on magnetometers that track the magnetic fields of Earth. Click here to learn more about their efforts.

Dr. Rollin McCraty, Director of Research for The HeartMath Research Center, and the first speaker at the Foundation’s 2015 Best Medicine of Tomorrow-Today lecture series, sent us a link to a video of his latest trip to South Africa. His team spent 4 days installing the newest magnetometer system at the Kwazulu Natal South Africa Site. Enjoy!

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