
Meet Your Vagus Nerve

As research uncovers new understandings on how our bodies work, it becomes even more clear about how miraculous life really is.  I’m sure you have

Saving Our Eyes

How many hours per day do you find yourself mesmerized, staring into your computer, phone, and tablet screens?  We know that screen addiction can cause

Microbiome of the Skies

Research teaches us that we are made up of approximately 100 trillion microbial organisms called microbiome that help our bodies perform life-sustaining functions, such as

Where Have All the Honey Bees Gone?

Remember the Peter, Paul & Mary song, “Where Have All The Flowers Gone?”  Well, today… the question should be more like, “Where Have All the

Bioglass: Slowing Tooth Decay

Do you remember when you were a kid, sitting in that dentist chair, praying that the doctor would be finished drilling and filling in your

Reversal of Memory Loss is Possible

Did you know that Alzheimer’s Disease affects 5.4 million Americans and a total of 30 million people globally?  By 2050 it is projected that as many as

More Tips for Retaining Memory

As we age, retaining certain memories can pose as a problem.  Actually, research shows that our brains change structurally and functionally, as we age, which

Movement: Waking Up the Brain

“Don’t fidget. Sit still.” Children are expected to sit in the classroom, sometimes for hours. But, many professionals now claim that they need to move