Living Medicine

Healing Through Tai Chi & Qigong

Over the past few months, we’ve written about how high intensity training is the best anti-aging exercise and non-contact boxing helps Parkinson’s disease patients.  But, did you also

Spicing Up Our Vegetables

How do you prepare and eat your vegetables?  Do you sauté, steam, boil, or bake them?   Do you prepare them with herbs and/or spices?  If

Boxing Workouts Help Parkinson’s Patients

Given all of the research indicating that concussions contribute to the acceleration of brain disorders, it may seem counter-intuitive to associate ‘boxing‘ with ‘helping Parkinson’s Disease

One Cup Of Tea Each Day

If you haven’t become a tea drinker by now, maybe this will convince you.  Research is suggesting that tea consumption may reduce the risk of

Best Anti-Aging Exercise On The Planet

It’s official!  The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota has deemed High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) to be the BEST ‘MEDICINE’ EXERCISE for reversing signs of aging.  We have always

The Fiber Gap

If you like to discuss Trivia with your friends, here’s one fact to bring up.  Researchers estimate that approximately 100 TRILLION bacteria live in the

Our Words Matter

When someone is dealing with a disease, we often hear them discuss it in terms of  “War Metaphors,” such as killing the enemy and winning

Finding Financial Wellness

The concept of Living Medicine relates to ALL aspects of our lives: our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual parts of our lives.  This also includes our own

Sleeping To Remember

Do you remember taking all of those all-nighters in college and cramming for tests?  Living off of No-doz and staying up all night, we thought

The Kidney Stone Ride

If you’ve EVER had a kidney stone problem, you will be thrilled to learn the latest news!  Something as simple as a moderately-intense roller coaster