Every mother since the dawn of time carried, along with her infant, the story of their birth. Until recent times, however, the sharing of that event was often overlooked, underplayed or talked around. Gratefully, by the late 20th century, many American children felt the freedom to ask of their parents, “Tell me about the day I was born.” The interest in and relevance of that event to the youngest among us was an indicator of a growing awareness; how our birth-into-being enhances the connection to one another and to our own self-realization.
Enter, at long last, conscious conception into the mainstream of birthing dialogues: an important and provocative topic, one which may lift humanity up another notch in its journey to reach full potential. In the last 10 years, perinatal research has intersected with psychology, neurobiology and epigenetics to establish poignant, unprecedented correlations between our womb/birth story and our overall life outcomes.
Scientists are reporting that our genes can be switched on or off before and after birth by three environmental factors, among other things: what we ingest (air, food, drink, toxin); what we experience (stress, trauma); and how long we live. These findings underscore our adaptability while also pointing out how the life we lead and the world we live in right now will affect future generations.
This expanding, collaborative field is bringing forth new education and spurring on research into best-practice development focused on improving the way we carry-to-term, birth and parent our children. From the documentary film “Microbirth” (2014) to the Better Birth 360 World Summit webinar this summer, prenatal professionals are offering evidence and experience in support of more proactive procreation. A groundbreaking example is the contribution of Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova and her film, “Birth As We Know It”.
Intention, a key element in wholistic activity, is finding its rightful place in conception, pregnancy and skilled parenting pursuits. This kind of conscious preparation lays the foundation for a healthy, vibrant pregnancy; and in turn, activates the next generation’s abilities and attitudes. Considerations range from pre-pregnancy blood tests for heavy metals and other toxins; eliminating all unnecessary medicines/substances several months before conception; choosing a care provider who is sensitive to your preferences; to deepening the trust of your body, the love of your partner and your own spirituality. Taking steps early to open wide your eyes, heart and mind yield the best possible beginnings imaginable.
The Center for Living Medicine provides and upholds this new paradigm for humanity by providing a safe place for new life; evidence-based healthcare choices; access to doctors and birth attendants who express loving support; space where patients can discover Self-Love, and abundant support for health and wholeness as they journey along the full arc of life.
“Peace on earth begins with birth.” Jeanine Parvati Baker
Author, written By: Joni Stewart Chanko, Foundation for Living Medicine Loving Birth Committee Member